

The situation with COVID-19 is changing on a daily basis and RAC has to make decisions based on instructions from our peak body and following the NT and Federal government requirements.

As we advised on 18 March, RAC activities were suspended/postponed on direction from Athletics Australia until at least 1st May.  We have been advised that training can continue, however we have decided to not re-instigate formal club group training at this time.

Instead, the Freds Pass Reserve athletics track has been marked and we have kept our bookings for 4.30-6.30pm on Mondays and Wednesdays to allow individuals to train to maintain both their physical and mental health. Our coaches will be posting workouts online to keep you active, whether at the track or at home.

If you choose to utilise the Freds Pass Reserve track, please take note of the following:
·         All members and accompanying persons MUST follow social distancing rules (minimum 1.5m between yourself and another person).
·         There may or may not be club coaches available.
·         Club equipment will most probably not be available to use (you can bring your own eg. rakes to use the long jump pit).
·         Carry hand sanitiser.
·         The club toilet may not be open but the market toilets will be available to use. Nb. The market toilets are currently cleaned twice a week, on either Thursday or Friday, and then on Sat afternoon/Sun morning after the markets.
·         If you are unsure about attending training, it is better not to come.

Please DO NOT attend if you feel unwell.  Ensure you are aware of your responsibilities to maintain your health and the health of the community. Follow self-isolation if you meet the criteria.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions rural.athletics.nt@gmail.com